Search results20 resultsSort by:RelevanceAlphabeticallyDate (newest first)Digital FootprintsRead More…How product design is influenced by Financial literacy of consumers?Read More…Kerala Lotteries - Product Design LessonsRead More…Digital CollateralsRead More…Economic Models of Household Financial BehaviourRead More…How people behave?Read More…Regulation in Consumer FinanceRead More…Social Learning & Information Cascades in Consumer FinanceRead More…Disaggregating a consumer finance productRead More…Role of Financial AdvisorsRead More…How payment systems influence the purchase?Read More…Point of Sale (POS) FinancingRead More…Social networks in consumer financeRead More…Financing Human CapitalRead More…Experience effects in consumer financeRead More…Connecting Product Design to Consumer NeedsRead More…Adverse Selection in Consumer FinanceRead More…Intermediation in consumer financeRead More…Personal Bankruptcy and Consumer Finance ProductsRead More…Product Design Insights from Low and Marginal Income HouseholdsRead More…